Pleasance House Consulting - Careers


There is no short to medium term intention of ever recruiting additional permanent staff as PHC is focussed on project work. However, "PHC was formed as a "one-man-band" but the possibility of building an extended team to build complete solutions quickly has already been explored. Allan Wilkie has an impressive set of contacts in the retail systems industry and would relish the chance to bring together some "auld acquaintances" for a suitably demanding retail systems project. No multiple retailer's project can be too small or too large for at least initial consideration by (and of) Pleasance House Consulting."

There are three circumstances that could introduce the possibility of working together.

  1. You know of (or have) a retail systems project that requires expertise available in PHC
  2. You are (with) a Consultancy seeking additional help on a project temporarily
  3. You can make yourself available for retail systems consultancy work when projects are available

If any of these apply, then please use the Contact page to get in touch.


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